Over the last few years, I’ve established great relationships with some outstanding sports companies. I’ve partnered with them because they embody what I value in sports-related products: innovation, superior quality, and leading-edge performance. In a series of posts, I’m introducing these exceptional companies and people to you so you will consider adding what they have to offer to your quiver of sport-related products.

In today’s installment of Meet My 2023 Partners, I’m beyond excited to introduce you to my newest partner, FORM smart swim goggles. First, some back story. I didn’t grow up swimming; I was firmly placed in the “non-drowning” category. I didn’t do my first lap or side breathing until well into adulthood. I suffered from what Lionel Sanders called “adult onset” swimming.” As a result, through my two Ironmans, multiple 70.3, and many shorter races, I always struggled to improve and never enjoyed getting in the pool (much less open water).

Then I discovered FORM smart swim goggles and my swimming life changed dramatically. FORM goggles have a heads-up display in one of its lenses that provides real-time swim data including distance, pace, time, splits, heart rate, and much more.

No more writing down swim workouts, putting them in a baggie (that always leaks), and having to look at it frequently during a swim workout. No more looking at the clock before and after every interval or calculating and trying to remember every interval split. No more trying to remember how many laps you’ve done. No more wondering if you got any better today.

FORM smart swim goggles offer many additional benefits for serious swimmers and triathletes: 1) post-swim analytics including lap times and pace, DPS, SWOLF, stroke rate, and much more; 2) automatic syncing with your training platform (e.g., TrainingPeaks), 3) training plans and workouts for every type and level of swimmer; 3) my favorite: the ability to input your own custom workouts that you can follow in the HUD display while you swim; and 4) with selected Garmin and Apple watches, FORM goggles can provide most of the same data in open water to provide real-time data outside the pool, of particular benefit in races (and it’s USAT, WT, and Ironman legal!).  just like we use our bike head units and smartwatches for biking and running, respectively.

In sum, FORM has solved most of the problems that can make swimming difficult, boring, and unproductive. Imagine not having a smartwatch for running or a head unit for cycling; inconceivable! For me, FORM goggles are no different.

Not only have I improved significantly since using FORM goggles, but I actually enjoy swimming now and look forward to getting in the pool for my swim workouts. In my view, FORM smart swim goggles are game changers and must-haves for every committed swimmer and triathlete.

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