One of the most frequent comments I hear from the racers I work with is: “I had a lousy day of training.” This statement was almost always accompanied by a variety of emotions that are neither pleasant nor helpful including frustration, anger, worry, doubt, and disappointment, and, occasionally, despair. Moreover, I saw that this assertion hurt racers’ motivation, confidence, and focus, and, as a result, their subsequent training and competitive efforts often suffered.

Given the frequency with which I heard this sort of judgment and how much harm it does to racers, I wanted to explore it further in the hopes of finding a way to lessen its impact and even change how racers evaluate and judge their daily training experiences.

To be sure, a good training day is not hard to miss and certainly always welcome. You ski technically and tactically well. You learn something new that makes you better. You ski consistently with few mistakes. You are mentally there; motivated, confident, intense, and focused. Most importantly, you ski faster. It helps when the weather is good (30 degrees and sunny), the snow is hard, and you’re training your best event on your favorite hill. It also helps when you are healthy, rested, and life off snow is going well for you, for example, in school and with your friendships. After training, you’re super psyched and happy. As the saying goes, “It’s all good.”

Equally sure, a bad training day is also hard to miss and most certainly not welcome. When I asked racers why they would make such a pessimistic assessment of their training days, several themes emerged from their most common responses:

  • Bad technique: “I skied like crap today.”
  • Difficulty learning a new skill: “I tried all day, but just couldn’t get it.”
  • Poor tactics: “I couldn’t hold my line.”
  • Mistakes: “I didn’t have a clean run all day.”
  • DNFs: “I couldn’t finish a course if my life depended on it.”
  • Slow: “I couldn’t figure out why I was two seconds out.”
  • Mental: “My head just wasn’t in it today.”
  • Not fun: “It was a slog getting through the day.”

All of these statements seem to give good cause to conclude that “I had a lousy day of training.” At the same time, I would argue that such a discouraging conclusion is both inaccurate and decidedly unhelpful as you pursue your ski racing goals. The problem is that this perception of the quality of the training day is defined too narrowly and actually prevents you from seeing the many benefits you get from a day that you might ordinarily decide was awful.

I believe that you can make every day a good day of training. Some days, the benefits are clear: you make technical, tactical, or speed gains. But other days, you or the conditions conspire to ensure that no matter what you do, good skiing just isn’t going to happen. Those days certainly suck, but they are also inevitable. And, importantly, it doesn’t mean it has to be a bad training day. So what matters is how you respond to them. Let’s start with my one definition of a bad day of training: When you turn against and give up on yourself. That is the worst kind of training day because it becomes a major lose-lose-lose for yourself. Not only do you not make any gains in your skiing, but you also hurt yourself mentally by giving up and you feel terrible for having done so.

The great thing about this definition of a bad training day is that it is completely within your control because it is all about how you think about and react to the challenges you are faced with.

Those are the days that you need to broaden your definition of what constitutes a good day of training beyond good technique, tactics, or speed. This narrow definition of a good day ignores another piece of the “skiing fast” puzzle that is essential to ultimately achieving your ski racing goals, namely, training your mind. On those so-called bad days, you have an incredible opportunity to become a better ski racer by strengthening your mind while everything else may be going to hell. You can do this in several ways.

First, I’m not asking you to say “I’m lovin’ it!” That’s just plain unrealistic given that there are plenty of good reasons why you aren’t loving it. At the same time, you can’t hate it because, if you do, you will probably give up and your training day will have been a waste. You need to find a middle ground between the extremes of love and hate. That happy medium to just “accept and deal,” meaning acknowledge that it’s going to be a tough day and decide that you’re going to get the most out of it you can.

Second, on bad days, it’s easy to go to the “dark side,” meaning you get negative, discouraged, and maybe even quit. Instead, you could stay positive and motivated, and choose to keep fighting through the challenges. Training and ingraining this more constructive reaction is so important because you’re going to have a lot of those “bad days” in your ski racing career. And you can decide whether your Force is going to be with you or against you (apologies for the Star Wars reference).

Third, those bad days are really uncomfortable, and they don’t feel good in any way. These days are great opportunities for you to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. These experiences are so valuable because there is a lot of discomfort in ski racing. Plus, the only way you’re going to continue to progress toward ski racing goals is to get out of your comfort zone. So, on those uncomfortable training days, you want to embrace, rather than give in to, the discomfort until the discomfort becomes comfortable.

Fourth, ski racing is a sport that is rife with difficult conditions including courses, weather, terrain, and snow conditions. Moreover, because everyone in the field has to ski in many of the same conditions (though start number impacts snow conditions). So, it’s not the conditions that matter, but rather how you perceive (threat or challenge) and react to them (fight or give up). Bad days are a great way to figure out how to ski your best (or just survive) in those tough conditions, so when you get to a race with similar bad conditions, you have the attitude and tools necessary to respond positively to them and ski as well as you can.

Fifth, as I noted above, so-called bad days can trigger in you a number of unpleasant emotions such as frustration and disappointment, all of which can make your bad days even worse. You have the opportunity to turn those emotions around and generate more positive emotions, such as pride and inspiration, that will keep you positive and motivated during the rough times. Clearly, this “emotional mastery” will serve you well on race day.

Finally, reinterpreted so-called bad days will make you a more resilient and adaptable ski racer. Resilience means you’ll be better able to react positively the always-present adversity of our sport. You will have a stronger mind for everything that ski racing (and life) throws at you every day.

The end result is simple, yet powerful. When you make every day a good day of training, you have fewer ups and downs, you have more fun, you ski faster, and you progress more quickly toward your ski racing goals.

Want to make mental training a part of your off-season training program? Take a look at my online mental training courses.


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