I’m pleased to announce the publication of my fourth edited textbook, Comprehensive Applied Sport Psychology aimed at graduate students and professionals interested in the field of sport psychology. Published by Routledge, one of the world’s leading publishers of academic books, and co-written with more than 60 of my colleagues, CASP is the first professional book aimed at offering a truly expansive and deep exploration of just about everything that applied sport psychologists and mental coaches do in their work.

CASP plumbs the depths of the athletic mind including attitudes, psychological and emotional obstacles, mental “muscles” and mental “tools,” quality of sport training, the health and well-being of athletes, and other areas that are essential to athletic success. It also examines coaches, teams, parents, and working with others involved in sports such as sports medicine teams and sports management.

CASP is grounded in the latest theory and research as well as the practical experience of its contributors, making it a valuable resource for academics, students, and practitioners alike. The goal of CASP is to create the definitive guide to what applied sport psychology and mental training are and do.

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