Leader-as-Decision-Maker: Decisions Matter

By | September 22nd, 2014|Categories: Business|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

I’m often brought into a company to help them solve a problem. The problem might have to do with strategic planning, research and development, or entry into a new market. I’m no expert in any of these areas, but what I am pretty good at is helping companies understand and go through the best possible process for making decisions. The first thing I say is that this process isn’t about solving problems; it’s about decision making. When we think about typical problem solving, it involves a series of steps: 1) Identifying the problem…which involves making a decision on what the problem is; 2) Finding a solution…which means making a decision on what will solve the problem; 3) Implementing a solution…which means making a decision on how to put the plan into action. Therefore, when we talk about ‘problem solving,’ what we really mean is ‘decision making.’