Episode #27: Do with Coaches of my Raising Young Athletes podcast is the third of five episodes in which I’m exploring the Dos and Don’ts of Sport Parenting, in other words, what sport parents should and shouldn’t do with themselves, other parents, coaches, and their children. 

The coaches of your young athletes have a huge impact on them in so many ways, both related and unrelated to their sports participation. Coaches affect your children physically, psychologically, emotionally, and socially. Given the breadth of this influence, you want to make sure they are your allies in helping your children achieve their athletic goals. If any conflict, discomfort, or tension exists between you and their coaches, your young athletes will certainly sense it and it will interfere with their enjoyment, performance, and progress in their sport. When you and their coaches stand shoulder to shoulder in support of your young athletes, your children will likely experience enjoyment and success in their sport and in the game of life.

To learn more, please listen to Episode #27: Do with Coaches of my Raising Young Athletes podcast.

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