I recently was interviewed for the second time for the Effortless Swimming podcast with Brenton Ford. In this podcast, I discuss mental strategies that swimmers and triathletes can use to have a strong swim start to finish, whether in an open-water swim, swim meet, or in the first leg of a triathlon.

To watch or listen to the podcast, click here.

f you’re not familiar with Effortless Swimming, it is one of the most viewed (and, IMHO, the best) swimming channels on YouTube. I’ve been watching Brenton’s videos since last fall when, because I could only swim after being hit by a car on a training ride, I decided to see if I could make a big improvement in my swimming (up to that point, intensity and distance weren’t getting me faster). As someone who suffers from “Adult Onset Swimming Syndrome” (meaning I didn’t start swimming beyond knowing how not to drown until I was an adult), for the first time, I understood what it actually took to swim faster (it’s 80% technique). Following the Effortless Swimming videos on YouTube, I completely rebuilt my swim technique (I couldn’t believe how bad a swimmer I had been!) and I’m now more than 10s/100y faster than last year!

To watch or listen to the podcast, click here.

P.S. Yes, that’s me in the image! :->

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