Episode #27: Disrupted to Stable of my Crisis to Opportunity podcast is the third of four in which I explore the importance of mindset in how you respond to a crisis.

One thing that a crisis does is cause a massive disruption in what had likely been a stable life. Think about everything in your life that makes it run so smoothly: sleep, meals, work, relationships, hobbies, and physical, cultural, or religious activities, the list goes on. Now, think about that stability disappearing. Whatever habits, routines, and patterns you have are thrown for a loop. The familiarity, predictability, and control that gives you confidence and comfort in your life are no longer there in the ways you rely on. Even before you actually have to address the challenges that a crisis presents to you, you are already at a disadvantage by having the crisis throw a wrench in the machinery of your life.

To learn more, please listen to Episode #27: Disrupted to Stable of my Crisis to Opportunity podcast.

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