As many of you know, I’ve been blogging for almost 10 years during which time I’ve published more than 600 articles on my own web site as well as on,, and many others. It has been both a pleasure and a privilege to share my ideas with millions of people and it is beyond gratifying that so many have found my articles interesting and useful.

No, this blog post isn’t an announcement of my retirement from blogging. To the contrary, it is to take the sharing of my ideas to a new and different level. Beginning soon, I will be publishing a “video blog” (vlog!) once a week.

Through the end of 2017, I will offer vlogs that focus on different aspects of mental preparation for ski racing and for sports in general. Each vlog runs 2-4 minutes and focuses on one specific topic that will be of interest and practical value to athletes and coaches (and parents who want to learn more about mental training for their young athletes).

In 2018, I will shift my focus onto vlogs for coaches and then for parents.

I will continue to publish written articles as well.

I hope you enjoy this new format and I welcome feedback on their value to you.

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