female athleteI was just sent this article by former world-class runner, Lauren Fleshman. It is truly a must-read for every parent of a young female athlete and young female athletes themselves. The article explores the physical, psychological, emotional, and performance challenges of girls reaching puberty and becoming women. It is both revealing and poignant (brought tears to my eyes). As a sport psychologist, I have seen young female athletes struggle in this transition girlhood and womanhood. As the father of two athletic girls who will be going down this road in the next few years, I am acutely aware of the changes they are experiencing and my desire to help them make the journey as smooth as possible.

Touchingly, the article is written as a letter to her younger self. Perhaps the best advice that Ms. Fleshman gave was: “You’ll see girls react to a changing body in three ways: give up, ride it out, or fight against it. With 100 percent confidence, I can tell you the best choice is to ride it out. The best is yet to come.”

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