READING-master675If you have young children , the seduction of e-readers, tablets, and smartphones to distract, placate, or assuage them is strong. The tech industry has been selling the idea that early exposure to technology will benefit children educationally.

A big push has been encouraging parents to use e-readers rather than books when reading to them. It seems harmless enough, right? Reading is reading, which ever medium is used.

Yet, a recent New York Times article that reviews the research and professional wisdom on this topic suggests otherwise. I would say that a little screen time will do no harm to young children, but there is no real benefit either (despite the sales pitches from the tech industry). In fact, there is no scientific evidence that technology facilitates learning in children.

My concern is that technology becomes the go-to tool for families for entertainment masquerading as educational. For me, technology should be a tool, not a toy, and the exception, not the rule.

Think of it this way, when you expose your children to technology too much and too early, you are educating them, you’re medicating them.

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